Soft rocking as the waves in summer at the beach of Brighton. C.l.a.r.k. is a four-piece guitar-pop outfit from Munich, driving in a beatlesque up-tempo carriage, furnished with Swedish design & Scottish eclecticism. C.l.a.r.k. insists on staying kind-hearted and optimistic, because anger and pessimism have never changed anything to the better. Before changing its name to C.l.a.r.k. the unit called itself Norman Bates, but it decided that these may not be the
times to praise the name of any kind of psychopath, be it real or fictional, but rather to start all over again as `Children laughing and reading Kerouac´. Now what is that supposed to mean? It´s the heritage of such long forgotten pop-ensembles as the Eternity´s children, Roger Nichols & the Small Circle of Friends, Free Design and the like. Suddenly one summer: the Millenium begins here! Come and join the Sunshine
Company! Come and join the C.l.a.r.k.!
next to axel's flat lives a young family and the two 10-year old
twin-boys come to visit axel quite often. they always ask him to
hand them on the road by jack the beginning axel was
surprised by their choice but now he sits down with them,pots of
lemonade on the table, P!O!P!-music on the record-player,and
together they start reading the book. an atmosphere of innocence,
full of sweetness and laughter. a scenery axel had in mind when he
recorded the album children laughing and reading kerouac with
his band c.l.a.r.k.. what you'll discover while hearing the record is
an unique assortment of components reminding you of the
housemartins, kinks, lovin' spoonful and prefab sprout. it will bring
back long lost moments of naiveté, an impression of P!O!P!-
music like it was back in 1965 or 1966.